2017 Week of Prayer & Fasting
January 8-15

So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. - Hebrews 4:16 (NIV)
New Year's Prayer Devotional by The Bethel Christian Pastoral Team
DAY 1 | DAY 2 | DAY 3 | DAY 4 | DAY 5| DAY 6 | DAY 7| Full Printable Devotion
Day 2 - January 9th | "Commitment" by Pastor Bryan Hart
One of the greatest things I believe that Christians struggle with is their daily commitment to a personal prayer time. What a great opportunity we have as a church to start off 2017 with a week of fasting and prayer. (Read Luke 5:3-11) We say that we are committed to the Lord Jesus Christ. How committed? Total commitment means that Jesus Christ is Lord in every area of our lives. He must be Lord on Saturday as well as Sunday. He must be Lord of our bodies as well as our brains. He must be Lord of what we save as well as what we sacrifice. He must be Lord of our careers as well as our life. Are we totally committed to Jesus Christ? My prayer and challenge is that we make a New Year’s resolution in 2017 to be committed to Christ in all we do. Lets commit to grow, to tithe, to pray, to be better husbands and wives, to be a light, and to be better witnesses for Christ. At the beginning of Luke 5, we see that Peter is on the beach washing his fishing nets. When we come to verse 11 we see that Peter has left his boat, his nets, and everything to follow the Lord. The miracle of the great catch of fish has resulted in a miracle in the life of Peter. The steps toward total commitment, which we see Peter take, are steps that growing Christians must take as well. So, for today I want to give us two steps we need to take in order to live out our commitments for 2017. The first step is get involved. Peter allowed Jesus to use his boat. This is a huge step in the right direction. We too must be willing to get involved and turn over what we own for the Lord to use: we own time, money, and even our talents. We must be willing to surrender and give these to God and let Him use them for His Glory! It is hypocrisy to speak of total commitment to the Lord when we are not willing to turn over our "boats" to Him. The next step is dependence, Peter left it all and now all he had was the Lord. It is when we depend and trust in the Lord that our commitment is no longer a sideline, this is a place of all in and no return. I pray and challenge us all to commit to the Lord in all we do and remember to pray!