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November 16-18, 2023 at Victory Church- Youngstown
Reach Conference is designed to empower young people to live out their faith when they leave the conference. Every person who comes will get to experience powerful worship, great teaching, and an after-party. This is a conference you do not want to miss!
For 6th-12th Grade Students
Leave church: 4:30pm Thurs, Nov16
Arrive church: 6:00pm Sat, Nov18
Transportation: church vans/bus
Hotel/Lodging: TBD
Cost: $85: Due no later than Wed, Oct 18.
(Includes: Registration, Friday & Saturday lunches*, hotel)
(*Friday: Chick-fil-a, Saturday: Pizza)
Optional: $10 Reach T-shirt
Payment Options: (Due Oct 18)
Cash or Check payable to "Bethel Christian"
(choose "Convention/Reach" and write student name in memo)
Bring extra money: Thurs, Fri, & Sat dinner. We recommend $30-40
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