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Digital Discipleship Devotions

We believe by connecting men through the Word of God that our faith will grow, our hearts will be knit together, and we will be able to go to the “Next Level” in our spiritual walk as men, husbands, fathers and mentors to the next generation. Remember that “iron sharpens iron” as we study, learn and grow together. Click on the devotional content below to join in the discussion. 

FEBRUARY DEVOTION: What Your Wife Needs from You by Natalie Burnett


DAY 1 | DAY 2 | DAY 3 | DAY 4 | DAY 5 | DAY 6 | DAY 7 | Full Printable | Devo Archive

Day 6 - Your wife needs you to know her love language.

Each of us expresses our love in a different way. One of my kids loves to snuggle and will often fall asleep on my lap holding on to my arm. A friend of mine needs affirmation. She thrives when she knows she is doing well because someone has told her so. On that same note, she is crushed when someone tells her differently.


There are five love languages, and you and your wife both speak one – or sometimes two. Often the way we receive love is the way we give love. Maybe you love spending time with your wife, even if it’s just sitting together in the same room. You will appreciate it every time she makes you a priority and spends time with you. However, her love language may be words of affirmation. If this is a weakness of yours, it is very easy for wires to get crossed and messages to get mixed.


One super simple fix for this is to know each other’s language and how to speak it. If her language isn’t gifts, she may appreciate every one that you give her, but that does not speak love to her the way something else could. 


Since you have had time to sit and talk, take another evening and work through the love languages quiz. This will give you insight into how to best love your wife. It will also help you understand her at another level.



Day #6 Scripture

Matthew 19:6 - “So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

Day #6 Questions

  1. What is your wife’s love language? How can you use this information to show her more deeply how you love her?

  2. Many things can inadvertently separate us from each other. Small things like miscommunication or speaking different languages can be major culprits. How can knowing your wife’s love language keep you from separating?


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